Friday, January 9, 2009

Panoramic WiFi Hero released for Windows Mobile Pro/Classic

Panoramic Software has quietly released v1 of WiFi Hero.

This tool was created to solve the problem of lost WiFi settings on Windows Mobile 6 & 6.1.

Microsoft implemented a "feature - not a bug" that will erase settings for WiFi access points if the connection fails. What this means is - if attempt to access a WiFi network that requires a pre-shared key and it ever fails for any reason (and anyone that uses WiFi knows it does happen from time to time), a Windows Mobile 6 or newer device will detect the failure and decide that the current settings must me to blame. It will then promptly erase settings for that WiFi access point along with the preshared key. This becomes a huge hassle for users - and an even bigger hassle for IT departments.

WiFi Hero will back up all settings upon first use and will prompt the user for passwords of access points that require network keys (don't worry - you'll only be asked once).

After that - simply load WiFi Hero whenever your settings are erased and you'll be able to restore them in one click.

Corporate versions are also available that remove the need for user intervention and allow for network keys to be pre-installed and encrypted for additional security. Contact Panoramic Software for more information:

And you can buy it here for $1.99:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Panoramic Calc Pro 2.5 released for all Windows Mobile phones

Panoramic Calc Pro
Panoramic Calc Pro

Panoramic Software has just released Calc Pro 2.5.0. The big news with this release is support for Windows Mobile Standard devices. Its now 100% compatible with all Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0 & 6.1 devices.

That's not the only big change in 2.5

The interface has been improved top to bottom improving appearance, speed and button layouts. Also the Paperless Tape feature has been improved for performance and stability.

For the technical people the Base Converter calculator has been pumped up with two more operators: NAND & XNOR.

The Graph screen has been improved and includes a new feature to center the view on data sets when performing regression - very useful.

The Statistics Calculator has been upgraded to now include a highly accurate Exponential Regression Worksheet. And both Linear Regression and Exponential Regression worksheets can now open and save CSV (comma separated value) files that are compatible with Excel and Pocket Excel.

As well there have been numerous fixes and improvements in all aspects of the product - you'll definitely want to download the latest version if you've purchased a previous version.

Grab it here:

Friday, January 2, 2009

Windows Mobile 6.1.4 Emulator images available

This one slipped by me in late November. Microsoft has released updated Emulator Images for Windows Mobile 6.1.

It looks like the big change is the inclusion of the Internet Explorer Mobile 6 which is based off of the desktop Internet Explorer's HTML engine. This would be more exciting if I could install it on my real device but its a great opportunity to test out the new mobile browser.

I'm also hoping this release fixes the DPI bug on the WVGA Windows Mobile Professional emulator.

Grab them here:

** Update **

So I'm happy to report that the WVGA emulator works. Aswell, the new Pocket Internet Explorer is fantastic! It even supports flash with no addtional downloads. Performance was slow on the emulator so I'd still be very interested to try it on a real device.

A BIG step in the right direction.